Burden of grief

I have friends and family who love and care for me but I still feel so lonely. I feel like a living burden and if I kill myself then I’d be a burden of grief. My whole existence makes others around me worse. ## Q: Why does one creature’s life depend on the death of another? Just as day replaces night, spring follows winter, and autumn takes the place of summer, death follows life. The Creator, Who governs everything, does nothing in vain. He creates the most beautiful and intricate beings out of the lowest, seemingly unpromising, materials. Since it is the very nature of His creativity to bestow freshness and novelty continually upon His creation, and since He sets on and motivates every. March 27th, 2022 A Nutritious Nation is a Strong Nation Through all the ups and downs of the last 74 years, and despite the threats and pressure of the imperialists who wish to destroy us through isolation and starvation, our motherland has thrived. Our People's Republic has defied its many enemies and has preserved its independence and sovereignty for nearly three quarters of a century. There are many lies that are told about life in our motherland, and the imperialists constant. Hello all! I'm sorry I didn't get to respond to the kind words of support and fantastic advice here (thank you for the gold, kind stranger!). Trust me when I say I read and appreciated every comment! (Except the little troll who thinks I'm mean to my poor mother. Enjoy being banned, dickturd.) I've decided to nickname my egg donor ~~Hellmark~~ Insane Jane. \ fixed\ . To answer a few questions, the police did recover my personal documents from ~~Hellmark's~~ Insane Jane's https://imgur.com/a/qGKunwB My Charley lt3 I'm kind of distraught right now, so if this post doesn't make sense, repeats itself, or is otherwise poorly written, my apologies. I just felt the need to write it and get it out there. Maybe this will help in my continued healing, and maybe it'll help someone going through something similar. The closer it gets to 7:30, the time he left us exactly one year ago, the more anxious I become. I've been extremely productive today in an effort to distra. My daughter died (that was hard to type) this past April. She was 24. It was a sudden illness that took her in about two days (Literally right out of Solomon Grundy: Sick on Thursday, Worse on Friday, Died on Saturday). She was raised Catholic from 3-years-old through to Loyola University. She struggled with her faith and strayed from the church. There was a very large turnout for her funeral. I heard people tell me how she had been a comforter and advisor in their lives. I received Tragedy strikes when you’re least expecting. That’s kinda what makes it tragedy. And the grief that follows—that hits like a freight train, like a Mack truck, like a ton of bricks. And it doesn’t let up. The weight on your chest, the shortness of breath, the tears that are never more than a careless thought from spilling. For the burden of grief, there’s nothing to do but carry it—there’s no mechanical advantage, no system of weights and pulleys to lessen it. In my past life, I was always Three Nights of Lights – An Elmyrian New Year’s Tradition The nation of Elmyria is located in the north-western region of the island continent of Varzalia. It is home to many different kinds of people, but primarily it is the land of the Elves. The Elves of Elmyria cherish and respect all forms of life on Varzalia, given that the same respect is given in return. Elmyrians coined the common idiom "speak softly, but carry a big staff”, meaning that they will be humble and reverent to those. Power Metal: Chironex: Punishment for the Liar (https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Chironex/Punishment_for_the_Liar/709081) - Power Metal - April 29th ( "Trailer" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oho6Gvl8xDk)) Iron Attack!: 80's グラフィティ 2 (https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Iron_Attack%21/80%27s_%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%95%E3%82%A3%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3_2/711066) - Power Metal - April 29th ( "Trailer" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArwPwcoNrAQ)) Roman so Words: Roman's.